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Rating (101)
Antonia Lloyd-Jones is one of the best translators of Polish literature into English. Her published translations from Polish include novels by Pawel Huelle ...
A Polish Book of Monsters contains five stories of speculative fiction edited and translated from the Polish by Michael Kandel, award-winning translator of ...
Rating (154) · $9.99
A masterpiece of post-war Polish literature, Stone Upon Stone is Wiesław Myśliwski's grand epic in the rural tradition—a profound and irreverent stream of ...
The task which Adam Czerniawski, poet and translator of Polish literature into English, has set himself in translating Norwid's best-known poems aims at ...
Rating (358)
Throughout much of the latter part of his life he continued his translations from the Russian and Polish. GenresClassicsSchoolPolish LiteratureHistory. 264 ...
Apr 17, 2018 · But your question seems to be, Which is more accurate, the Polish-to-French translation of Solaris or the Polish-to-English translation of ...
Rating (614)
Winner of the Heldt Prize for Translation. A new translation of the Nobel Prize-winning Polish poet, with an introduction by Czeslaw Milosz.
Rating (35) · $9.99
Johnston has published over thirty book-length translations from the Polish, including poetry, prose, and drama. He teaches literary translation at Indiana ...
Rating (357)
Aug 1, 1981 · Sounds, Feelings, Thoughts: Seventy Poems is the first work by the Polish poet, essayist, translator, and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in ...
Rating (11) · $19.99
Gombrowicz was one of the best polish writers. This book explains fundamental thoughts of his literary output, but don't forget, he was a trickster too ...